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All The Jinmeiyō Kanji From The Novel ‘Botchan’ (With English Meanings)

And here they all are, listed in groups or twelve at a time, and given with hiragana, romaji, and their English meanings.

First twelve: 云|漱|貰|栗|蔭|詫|肴|畠|揃|藁|圃|孟

云 (くも, kumo) – cloud
漱 (そそ, soso) – to rinse out one’s mouth
貰 (もら, mora) – to receive
栗 (くり, kuri) – chestnut
蔭 (かげ, kage) – shade, shadow
詫 (ちが, chiga) – excuse, pretext
肴 (さかな, sakana) – food, provisions
畠 (はた, hatake) – field for growing rice or other crops
揃 (そろ, soro) – to become complete, to be all in order
藁 (わら, wara) – straw
圃 (はちぶさ, hachibusa) – vegetable garden
孟 (もん, mon) – prosperity, abundance

Next twelve: 肋|喧|嘩|嬉|蕎|蝦|紐|胡|逢|叶|甥|馴

肋 (はば, haba) – ribs
喧 (けん, ken) – noise, uproar
嘩 (か, ka) – quarrel, fight
嬉 (うれし, ureshi) – joy, delight
蕎 (そば, soba) – buckwheat noodles
蝦 (えび, ebi) – shrimp
紐 (ひも, himo) – string, cord
胡 (ご, go) – barbarian, foreign
逢 (あ, a) – to meet, to encounter
叶 (かな, kana) – leaf, blade
甥 (いとこ, itoko) – nephew, niece
馴 (なら, nara) – tamed, domesticated

Next twelve: 喋|撫|笹|楊|鞄|漕|磯|傭|臥|廻|捺|遥

喋 (しゃべ, shabe) – to speak, to talk
撫 (なで, nade) – to stroke, to pet
笹 (ささ, sasa) – bamboo grass
楊 (よう, yō) – willow
鞄 (かばん, kaban) – bag, suitcase
漕 (こ, ko) – to row
磯 (いそ, iso) – seashore, beach
傭 (よう, yō) – servant, hireling
臥 (ふ, fu) – to lie down, to recline
廻 (めぐ, megumi) – to go around, to surround
捺 (なつ, natsu) – to stamp, to seal
遥 (はるか, haruka) – distant, far away

Next twelve: 袴|蒼|茄|逞|毬|叡|綾|坐|狼|董|嵩|捲

袴 (はかま, hakama) – traditional Japanese split-skirt trousers
蒼 (そう, sō) – blue, pale
茄 (なす, nasu) – eggplant
逞 (たくま, takuma) – brave, bold
毬 (まり, mari) – ball, sphere
叡 (えい, ei) – intelligence, wisdom
綾 (あや, aya) – design, pattern
坐 (ざ, za) – to sit
狼 (ろう, rō) – wolf
董 (どう, dō) – director, manager
嵩 (こう, kō) – bulk, volume
捲 (まく, maku) – to roll up, to wind up

Next twelve: 馳|硯|簾|煤|憐|楓|縞|蒲|竪|喰|溜|蒙

馳 (は, ha) – to run, to gallop
硯 (すずり, suzuri) – inkstone
簾 (す, su) – bamboo blind
煤 (すす, susu) – coal
憐 (れん, ren) – pity, compassion
楓 (かえで, kaede) – maple tree
縞 (しま, shima) – striped pattern
蒲 (が, ga) – bullrush, reed
竪 (たて, tate) – vertical, perpendicular
喰 (く, ku) – to eat, to drink
溜 (たたる, tatatu) – to glide, to slip
蒙 (もう, mō) – to be ignorant, to be unaware

Next twelve: 燭|智|慧|毘|鯉|淋|恰|竿|柏|尖|嶋|吾

燭 (ともしび, tomoshibi) – candle
智 (ち, chi) – wisdom, intellect
慧 (え, e) – wisdom, intelligence
毘 (び, bi) – to guard, to protect
鯉 (こい, koi) – carp
淋 (さび, sabi) – rust, tarnish
恰 (かっ, katsu) – just right, suitable
竿 (みぎわ, migiwa) – rod, pole
柏 (かしわ, kashiwa) – oak
尖 (とが, toga) – sharp, pointed
嶋 (しま, shima) – island
吾 (わ, wa) – I, me (used by men)

Next twelve: 鯛|錘|槍|凌|猪|斐|庵|惚|仔|膏|辻|瓢

鯛 (たい, tai) – sea bream
錘 (おり, ori) – weight, lead sinker
槍 (やり, yari) – spear, lance
凌 (しのぶ, shinobu) – to endure, to bear
猪 (い, i) – wild boar
斐 (あや, aya) – beauty, elegance
庵 (いおり, iori) – hermitage, retreat
惚 (ほる, horu) – to be forgetful, to be absent-minded
仔 (あさ, asa) – small, little
膏 (こう, kō) – ointment, unguent
辻 (つじ, tsuji) – crossroads, intersection
瓢 (ひょう, hyō) – gourd, scoop

Next twelve: 纏|紗|琥|珀|烏|杜|耽|賑|萩|輿|蔓|逗

纏 (まと, mato) – to wrap, to wind around
紗 (さ, sa) – gauze, thin silk
琥 (こ, ko) – amber
珀 (はく, haku) – amber
烏 (からす, karasu) – crow
杜 (と, to) – grove, forest
耽 (たん, tan) – to be absorbed in, to be indulged in
賑 (にぎ, nigi) – busy, lively
萩 (はぎ, hagi) – bush clover
輿 (こ, ko) – palanquin, litter
蔓 (まん, man) – vine, tendril
逗 (ほ, ho) – to stay, to remain

Next twelve: 鄭|芭|蕉|襖|薩|耀|碗|杖|瓜|芹|螺|穿

鄭 (てい, tei) – (surname)
芭 (ば, ba) – banana
蕉 (こうさ, kousa) – banana
襖 (あお, ao) – sliding door
薩 (さつ, satsu) – (surname)
耀 (よう, yō) – shine, glitter
碗 (わん, wan) – bowl
杖 (つえ, tsu) – cane, stick
瓜 (うり, uri) – melon
芹 (せり, seri) – celery
螺 (ら, ra) – spiral shell
穿 (うが, uga) – to pierce, to penetrate

Next twelve: 豹|儲|晨|伊|淳|蒔|盃|伍|迂|鋒|柑|捷

豹 (ひょう, hyō) – leopard
儲 (ちゅう, chū) – to save, to store up
晨 (あさひ, asahi) – morning
伊 (い, i) – (surname)
淳 (じゅん, jun) – pure, simple
蒔 (ま, ma) – to sow, to plant
盃 (さかずき, sakazuki) – sake cup
伍 (ご, go) – five
迂 (う, u) – roundabout, indirect
鋒 (ほう, hō) – point, tip
柑 (かん, kan) – citrus fruit
捷 (せつ, sets) – victory, success

Next twelve: 幡|汐|陀|洛|掠|這|頁|灸|濡|耶|斯|燈

幡 (はた, hata) – flag
汐 (しお, shio) – tidal wave
陀 (だ, da) – steep place, rapid
洛 (らく, raku) – (surname)
掠 (るす, rusu) – to plunder, to pillage
這 (は, ha) – to crawl, to creep
頁 (ぺえじ, peei) – page
灸 (きゅう, kyū) – moxibustion
濡 (ぬ, nu) – to wet, to moisten
耶 (や, ya) – (exclamation of joy)
斯 (し, shi) – this
燈 (とう, tō) – lamp, light

Final three: 恢|葺|之

恢 (かい, kai) – restore, revive
葺 (ふ, fu) – to thatch, to roof
之 (の, no) – (possessive particle)

Happy studying!

By JYKK Editorial

Excited by everything and anything to do with Japanese Kanji - be them Jōyō, Jinmeiyō, or Hyōgai!

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